Etched Finish Beads
Etching is a patented method by which the surface of the beads—or any other glass—is etched by acidic compounds. The beads are placed on a metal net and dipped into the acid a few times, until the surface of the beads becomes etched as desired. Later, the beads are washed and finished to highlight the engraved surface.
The process of etching is a rejuvenation of sorts. The glass surface is torn down and built up again with artisan finishes. The result is a bead that feels like an ancient structure, beautifully preserved, and holding within it secrets and stories of centuries of beadmakers.
Featured Products
- 4mm Faceted Round Firepolished Bead Black with Metallic and Etched Finish and Turquoise WashSKU: FP4/026-1PCS PER UNIT: 600
- 14mm Melon Dark Army Green with and Etched an Picasso Finish and Gold WashSKU: ML14/076PCS PER UNIT: 10
- 14x7mm Large Hole Tube Black with Etched and Metallic Purple, Blue, Pink, and Gold FinishesSKU: 1657/TBE-BPCS PER UNIT: 10
- 4mm Forget-Me-Not Spacers Black with Etched, Picasso, and Gold Finishes.SKU: 1041/SPAPCS PER UNIT: 50
- 21mm Hibiscus Flower Black with Etched and Picasso Finishes with a Turquoise WashSKU: 1116/FLHPCS PER UNIT: 6
- 6mm Faceted Round Firepolished Bead Black with Brown Metallic, Etched and Blue WashSKU: FP6/002-1PCS PER UNIT: 300
- 9mm Large Hole Tribal Bicone Black with Gold and a Picasso and Etched FinishSKU: 1482/BICPCS PER UNIT: 15
- 21mm Hibiscus Flower Black with Etched, Picasso, and a Turquoise Wash.SKU: 1549/FLHPCS PER UNIT: 6
- 4mm Round Druk Honey with Etched and Picasso Finishes and Turquoise WashSKU: D4/068PCS PER UNIT: 600
- 6x15mm Dangle Drop Honey with a Heavy Turquoise Wash and Etched FinishSKU: 1439/DANPCS PER UNIT: 10
- 4mm Round Druk Slate Blue with Picasso and Etched Finish and Turquoise WashSKU: D4/053PCS PER UNIT: 600
- 3mm Faceted Round Firepolished Bead Pacific Blue with Etched Finish and Gold WashSKU: FP3/109PCS PER UNIT: 600
- 4mm Faceted Round Firepolished Bead Blue Green with Etched and Picasso FinishSKU: FP4/058PCS PER UNIT: 600
- 4mm Faceted Round Firepolished Bead Pacific Blue with Etched Finish and Gold WashSKU: FP4/059PCS PER UNIT: 600
- 8mm Round Druk Transparent Glass with Picasso, Turquoise Wash and Etched FinishSKU: D8/016PCS PER UNIT: 120
- 6x9mm Large Hole Roller Bead Sapphire and Sky Blue with Etched and Gold WashSKU: 0163/ROLPCS PER UNIT: 25
- 4mm Round Druk Sapphire with Picasso and Gold Wash and Etched FinishSKU: D4/008-BPCS PER UNIT: 600
- 8x12mm Faceted Oval Ivory with a Picasso and Etched Finish and Turquoise WashSKU: 0554/FOVPCS PER UNIT: 12
- 6mm Faceted Round Firepolished Bead Pacific Blue with an Etched Finish and Gold WashSKU: FP6/033PCS PER UNIT: 300
- 6x9mm Large Hole Roller Bead Sage with Picasso, Etched, and Turquoise FinishesSKU: 0984/ROLPCS PER UNIT: 25